Wednesday, December 2, 2009

This is my bag design. When we were making this, first we had to sketch our bag. Then we went over the sketch with a sharpy. After that we had to make the tessellations. To make Tessellations, you will have to take a small square piece of paper. Then you fond it in half the hot dog way, and then fold it in half again so that there are 4 squares. Then on one square you will have to make some random design by just wavy lines with curly lines, with straight line, and shapes. Then when you have got a design on one square, we went to the light box, and traced the same design on the other 3 boxes. After we did that, we took our bag and started to trace our tessellation designs on the bad. We also needed to put our name on the bag some where just for our logo. After we finished with that, we colored and designed the bag the way we wanted to and all we had to do then was to just cut out the bag and past it on a colored piece of paper. I learned that you can make designs with just some lines and shapes, and at the end when you are finished you will have a beautiful design. If i was allowed to do this assignment over, i would of be more careful and not rush things so that i would not mess up on it. I really enjoyed doing my bag and making it colorful and i am proud of the result!!

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