Thursday, December 10, 2009


This was a challenging project for me. I didn't really know how to use adobe photo shop that well so i got really confused on what to do, but at the end i kid of got how to use it. I wasn't that good at using it but i tried to. We used the idea of Andy Warhol and his art work of Marilyn Monroe. It is a very beautiful piece of art and i like how he made it different every time. I used Micheal Jackson and i tried my best to do the pictures. I did Masking, the Word, and more. Adobe photo shop is a challenging document for me. I haven't really used it before so i was kind of lost, but i tried my best and i think did pretty well. I am happy with what i did, but if i could have done this project over, i would have done it better if i actually knew how to use the program properly so i was not very confused, but i am still happy with my end result of the project and i feel that i did very well.

Word Art

This is my Word Art Design. I choose to use the word Music and to do that i used music notes. I also added some musical instruments, so that you have the picture in your head what word it would be. This was a challenging project for me, but i am really proud of my self. I found it challenging, because it was really hard to draw the saxophone, clarinet, and trumpet and try to make it look real. I think that i did a really great job with this project, and it turned out really well too. While I was doing this project, i learned how to shade things to make them look real, try to draw what you see as accurately and neatly as possible, and also that with a simple word, you can make it a drawing with the items that are related to the word and also try to make them shaped as the letters. I am really proud of my end result in this project and i worked really hard on it. I don't know what i would change if i could do the project over because i tried my personal best and did really well. I am very happy that we got to do this project, because it was a way of learning how just a word can become a beautiful piece of art!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

This is my bag design. When we were making this, first we had to sketch our bag. Then we went over the sketch with a sharpy. After that we had to make the tessellations. To make Tessellations, you will have to take a small square piece of paper. Then you fond it in half the hot dog way, and then fold it in half again so that there are 4 squares. Then on one square you will have to make some random design by just wavy lines with curly lines, with straight line, and shapes. Then when you have got a design on one square, we went to the light box, and traced the same design on the other 3 boxes. After we did that, we took our bag and started to trace our tessellation designs on the bad. We also needed to put our name on the bag some where just for our logo. After we finished with that, we colored and designed the bag the way we wanted to and all we had to do then was to just cut out the bag and past it on a colored piece of paper. I learned that you can make designs with just some lines and shapes, and at the end when you are finished you will have a beautiful design. If i was allowed to do this assignment over, i would of be more careful and not rush things so that i would not mess up on it. I really enjoyed doing my bag and making it colorful and i am proud of the result!!