Sunday, September 27, 2009


These are my patterns that I have created.We used graph paper and created patterns with different colors and the boxes on the paper. I made different designs in each box and i divided the paper into different sections and i did different designs in those sections. I enjoyed doing this, because we could experiment on different designs that we haven't even thought of doing and they would most probably turn out really well in the end. If I could do it again, I would try and do designs that are not every day designs but something different than every day designs!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

All of these panels are line deigns. We started to make line designs with straight and curved lines. The first panel is a straight line design, the second panel is curved line designs and the third panel is a collage of straight and curved line designs. For all of the designs, i just started to put random lines and shapes everywhere on the page and then at the end i got a great design. While i was doing the designs, we had to always remember about HURBE. HURBE is the main idea of design, and because of HURBE all of the designs turned out well. During this, i learned that if you keep HURBE in mind, your designs will turn out well.
If I had to redo this assignment, i weould redo panel one, because that was the first panel that i did and i didnt really think about HURBE as much as i did for panel two and panel three.
While i was working on this assignment, i had mixed feelings. At some point i felt like i had done something terrible and at another i am very proud of the design that i had made.
I am very happy and very proud of my designs!!!!