Monday, August 24, 2009

Design Art is all about HURBE... HURBE is how you would evaluate you art work. HURBE stands for:

Harmony - means that the art work is all working together

Unity - means that the art work is tied together

Rhythm - means that the art work there is repetition and so it is balance

Balance - means that the art work is tilting to the side. There is an equal amount of colors on each side

Emphasis - means that when you are looking at art work, what catches your eye first

So what we did was that, we had to do like 3 designs on paper... the first one was only with straight lines, the second one was with only curved lines, and the last one was a combination of both, but it was a sculpture. We had to make a sculpture out of paper, that could stand up. it needed to be at least 6 inches high.

I enjoyed this project, because you just needed to experiment. You didn't need to have a picture in your head of anything. All you needed to do was to just draw like lines on a piece of paper and see how it turns out in the end. But one thing that you shouldn't forget while we were doing the project was HURBE..